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New Term and New Commissions!


Rehearsals with the choral society start again on Weds 6 September for existing members – and anyone new who wants to try out the choir. FCS is mixed in age and ability and we have no audition procedure. What we all love is learning to sing, to perform and to enjoy working together creating some fantastic sounds, most of the time! The benefits of singing to health and well-being have been long known – it can strengthen the immune system, is a natural anti-depressant, improves your mental alertness and posture - and widens your social circle!

For this term, we are thrilled to be learning work by composers David Knotts, Isaac Chai-Orson and Barnabas Sharp. FCS was able to commission these new choral works after it received a legacy from a former member. The composers have responded to the theme of trees - and their work will be premiered at a concert on October 21st at St Mary of Charity Church in Faversham. We invite people to come along to enjoy the music and even join the choir!

Other dates are the choir’s Christmas Carol Concert, to be held on Saturday December 9th at 5pm.

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